
What is the buying process at Galeria Savaria?

The way in which you can buy the item depends on the form in which the seller lists the item.

The seller can choose from the following types of sale:
- auction style listing
- fixed price listing

Learn more about the difference between an auction style and fixed price listing.

In case of a fixed price item

1. Purchase the item immediately
To purchase an item, click on the Buy it now button on the item page. After clicking, select the payment and shipping option most convenient for you. These are determined by the seller; thus, you can only choose from the options accepted by the seller. By continuing, you can review the details of the purchase, then you can finalize it by clicking on the confirmation button. By clicking on the Buy it now button, you can purchase the item at the price indicated on the item page as the price of the item.
Learn more about what to do if you have agreed with the seller through the messaging system on another amount.

2. ... or place an offer
If the seller provides the bargaining option, under the Buy it now button, a"Make an offer” button will appear. You can click on this to specify your offer.
There are two points to consider before making an offer:
- the amount of the offer may not exceed the original price of the item
- the offer may not be less than 50% of the item price

The offer is valid for 48 hours – within this time, the seller can accept or reject the offer or send a counteroffer to you. Consider the amount you offer carefully, as if the seller accepts it, you must purchase the item at this price.
After typing your offer and clicking the Next button, don’t forget to confirm it in the next step. Learn more about offers.

In case of an auction style listing

Bidding is very easy – we have collected its most important steps below:

Review the item, check its description and the pictures, and find out what shipping and payment options the seller accepts. If you have any questions, contact the seller via the safe messaging system of Galeria Savaria.

If you are satisfied with the item, follow these steps:
1. On the item page, enter your highest bid into the “My bid” field and click on the “Place a bid” button.
2. In the window that appears, check whether you have entered the correct amount, and then click on the Confirm button.

If another bidder places a higher bid, we will notify you about the outbid. After the expiry of the auction, we will also send a notification whether you have won the item or not, and you can also get further information on what to do.

If you have any questions in connection with the item, its shipping, or the payment option, you might want to contact the seller before placing a bid, making an offer or purchase. Through the safe messaging system of Galeria Savaria, you can ask your questions from the seller by clicking on the Ask seller a question option on the item page. Learn more about the rules of messaging.