
How is the fee charged?

After a successful sale, Galeria Savaria charges a fee for the seller. This rate is 6% of the sales price.

Users rate each transaction at Galeria Savaria. By submitting feedback, users can share their opinions or experiences related to the transaction, the seller, or the buyer. These help other members of the Galeria Savaria community to form an opinion on the seller, the buyer, and to help decide if they want to do business with the user or not.
Upon leaving feedback, users indicate whether the transaction was completed successfully or not. In case of a successful transaction, the system charges the fee on the basis of the seller’s assessment.

If a transaction is closed as failed, this must be reported by the seller or buyer in 21 days by submitting the feedback, thus no fee will be charged for the transaction. This period may also serve as a reference for the seller and the buyer, indicating that before the expiry of the deadline, the duties related to the purchase and sale must be carried out. It is possible to leave feedback after 21 days, which, however, no longer affects the fee charged.
Learn more about failed transactions and their potential consequences.

Therefore, one of the most important goals you have to strive for as a user of Galeria Savaria is that your purchases and sales should close positively, as the high amount of neutral and negative feedback or failed transactions does not only generate uncertainty in the buyers but also the system of Galeria Savaria may limit the status of users on the basis of these ratings.
If a user participates in a significant number of failed transactions (as defined by the system monitoring the transactions) or gives misleading feedback to avoid fee payment, their user status will be permanently restricted. The restriction does not allow further registrations either.

We at Galeria Savaria believe in the freedom of expression and in honest and open communication. The basis of our community is trust, the fundamental element of which is honesty. Therefore, we ask you to submit reviews that are realistic, essential and useful to the community of Galeria Savaria.