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Galeria Savaria Archive Catalog

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This listing includes items that were sold in the last 90 days and their sellers haven't deleted them.
If you wish to see items sold earlier (including their prices and full size images), go to the Archive Catalog page.

Late Baroque, painted chest, Highlands ?, circa 1770 -10% Late Baroque, painted chest, Highlands ?, circa 1770
337.500 HUF 916.17 USD
Listed: Mar. 13, 2024 18:02
98.000 HUF 266.03 USD
Listed: Feb. 19, 2024 14:31
1.000.000 HUF 2,714.57 USD
Listed: Feb. 17, 2024 09:06
580.000 HUF 1,574.45 USD
Auctions ending soon
Expiry: 6 h 27 m0 bids
250.000 HUF 678.64 USD
Expiry: 6 h 27 m0 bids
115.000 HUF
109.000 HUF 295.89 USD
Expiry: 11 h 26 m0 bids
98.000 HUF 266.03 USD
Expiry: 11 h 39 m0 bids
20.000 HUF 54.29 USD
Expiry: 11 h 40 m0 bids
150.000 HUF 407.19 USD
Expiry: 11 h 40 m0 bids
200.000 HUF 542.91 USD
Expiry: 11 h 42 m0 bids
300.000 HUF 814.37 USD
Expiry: 13 h 24 m0 bids
8.500 HUF 23.07 USD
Expiry: 13 h 42 m0 bids
89.000 HUF 241.60 USD
223.780 HUF 607.47 USD
215.000 HUF
210.000 HUF 570.06 USD
Expiry: 19 h 35 m0 bids
54.680 HUF 148.43 USD
Expiry: 19 h 55 m0 bids
129.000 HUF
50.000 HUF 135.73 USD
3.600 HUF 9.77 USD

Auctions ending soon

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Listed: Dec. 03, 2023 13:47
165.000 HUF 447.90 USD
85.000 HUF 230.74 USD
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