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2.433 items
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Highlighted items in this category:
55.000 HUF 149.31 USD
29.500 HUF 80.09 USD

János Zoó (1822-1897): portrait of a lady 1872. Oil on canvas 70x56 cm painting

Szentesi festőművész 200 éves születése alkalmából
Listed: Feb. 14, 2024 08:21
299.000 HUF 811.72 USD
Listed: Apr. 15, 2024 18:15
400.000 HUF 1,085.91 USD
Listed: Apr. 17, 2024 18:59
350.000 HUF 950.17 USD

Gyula Aggházy (1850-1919): flower court 38*48 cm

Kieselbach Galéria aukcióján szerepelt festmény
Listed: Feb. 14, 2024 08:21
240.000 HUF 651.55 USD
600.000 HUF 1,628.86 USD
Antique sign, 145 cm! Oil on canvas painting: István Khelyi - riverside -35% Antique sign, 145 cm! Oil on canvas painting: István Khelyi - riverside
122.850 HUF 333.51 USD
Expiry: 13 day(s) 22 hour(s)0 bids
10.000 HUF 27.15 USD
99.000 HUF 268.76 USD
69.900 HUF 189.76 USD
44.990 HUF 122.14 USD
129.900 HUF 352.65 USD
64.990 HUF 176.43 USD
129.900 HUF 352.65 USD
159.900 HUF 434.09 USD
220.000 HUF 597.25 USD
119.900 HUF 325.50 USD
550.000 HUF 1,493.13 USD
109.000 HUF 295.91 USD
119.000 HUF 323.06 USD
95.000 HUF 257.90 USD
75.000 HUF 203.61 USD
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249.000 HUF 675.98 USD
89.000 HUF 241.61 USD
85.000 HUF 230.76 USD
85.000 HUF 230.76 USD
169.000 HUF 458.80 USD
189.000 HUF 513.09 USD
85.000 HUF 230.76 USD
129.000 HUF 350.21 USD
89.900 HUF 244.06 USD
1.999.000 HUF 5,426.83 USD
289.000 HUF 784.57 USD
Listed: Today, 03:01
75.000 HUF 203.61 USD
165.000 HUF 447.94 USD
199.000 HUF 540.24 USD
145.000 HUF 393.64 USD
119.000 HUF 323.06 USD
79.000 HUF 214.47 USD
69.000 HUF 187.32 USD
189.000 HUF 513.09 USD
99.900 HUF 271.21 USD
139.000 HUF 377.35 USD
Ujváry i. - Rabbi portrait -20% Ujváry i. - Rabbi portrait
Listed: Yesterday, 23:20
248.000 HUF 673.26 USD
Expiry: 4 day(s) 9 hour(s)1 bid
1 HUF 0.00 USD
Expiry: 6 day(s) 9 hour(s)0 bids
50.000 HUF 135.74 USD
Expiry: 6 day(s) 9 hour(s)0 bids
65.000 HUF 176.46 USD
Expiry: 6 day(s) 9 hour(s)0 bids
8.000 HUF 21.72 USD
Expiry: 9 day(s) 9 hour(s)0 bids
100.000 HUF 271.48 USD
A real Hungarian market portrait with a petal sign, a cheerful oil painting! -40% A real Hungarian market portrait with a petal sign, a cheerful oil painting!
81.000 HUF 219.90 USD
Expiry: 9 day(s) 8 hour(s)0 bids
100.000 HUF 271.48 USD
Jenő Kárpáthy (1870-1950): sea -25% Jenő Kárpáthy (1870-1950): sea
Listed: Yesterday, 19:54
74.925 HUF 203.40 USD
German painter Hans Harlander, oil - wood painting, 40 x 50 cm, with frame, 60 x 70 cm. -35% German painter Hans Harlander, oil - wood painting, 40 x 50 cm, with frame, 60 x 70 cm.
120.250 HUF 326.45 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 19:24
7.000 HUF 19.00 USD
Károly Wolff: family -15% Károly Wolff: family
Listed: Yesterday, 19:07
297.500 HUF 807.65 USD
1 2 3 4 5 ... 42
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