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2.429 items
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Highlighted items in this category:

János Zoó (1822-1897): portrait of a lady 1872. Oil on canvas 70x56 cm painting

Szentesi festőművész 200 éves születése alkalmából
Listed: Feb. 14, 2024 08:21
299.000 HUF 812.85 USD
Listed: Apr. 15, 2024 18:15
400.000 HUF 1,087.43 USD
Listed: Apr. 17, 2024 18:59
350.000 HUF 951.50 USD

Schickedanz Albert (1846-1915): Danube and Tower Street corner 1884.

Szépművészeti Múzeumban kiállított,publikált mű!!!
Listed: Mar. 03, 2024 10:07
1.500.000 HUF 4,077.86 USD

Gyula Aggházy (1850-1919): flower court 38*48 cm

Kieselbach Galéria aukcióján szerepelt festmény
Listed: Feb. 14, 2024 08:21
240.000 HUF 652.46 USD
600.000 HUF 1,631.15 USD
Listed: Nov. 21, 2023 11:31
30.000 HUF 81.56 USD

Edgar degas (1834-1917): danseuses (dancers) 1888

Múzeumi alkotás a francia impresszió korából !
Listed: Mar. 11, 2024 11:51
6.490.000 HUF 17,643.55 USD
Rainer-né Istvánffi Gabriella painting !!!! -30% Rainer-né Istvánffi Gabriella painting !!!!
52.500 HUF 142.73 USD
Listed: Today, 15:59
80.000 HUF 217.49 USD
45.000 HUF 122.34 USD
Határvőlgyi painter - people at the fair -25% Határvőlgyi painter - people at the fair
90.000 HUF 244.67 USD
Listed: Today, 14:56
800.000 HUF 2,174.86 USD
Mednyánszky - antique painting - from legacy -25% Mednyánszky - antique painting - from legacy
600.000 HUF 1,631.15 USD
Antique painting - famous painter -40% Antique painting - famous painter
192.000 HUF 521.97 USD
220.000 HUF 598.09 USD
Listed: Today, 14:56
120.000 HUF 326.23 USD
Listed: Today, 14:56
120.000 HUF 326.23 USD
Foreign painter - portrait -15% Foreign painter - portrait
Listed: Today, 14:56
102.000 HUF 277.29 USD
Listed: Today, 14:56
70.000 HUF 190.30 USD
Listed: Today, 14:56
320.000 HUF 869.94 USD
245.000 HUF 666.05 USD
Listed: Today, 14:04
90.000 HUF 244.67 USD
Expiry: 6 day(s) 19 hour(s)0 bids
52.000 HUF
50.000 HUF 135.93 USD
350.000 HUF
300.000 HUF 815.57 USD
Straw henrik oil, canvas painting -40% Straw henrik oil, canvas painting
87.000 HUF 236.52 USD
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45.000 HUF
33.000 HUF 89.71 USD
Listed: Today, 09:44
55.000 HUF 149.52 USD
28.000 HUF 76.12 USD
Keleti városrészlet -30% Keleti városrészlet
Listed: Today, 07:50
560.000 HUF 1,522.40 USD
Virágcsendélet -20% Virágcsendélet
Listed: Today, 07:49
144.000 HUF 391.47 USD
Alpesi táj -30% Alpesi táj
Listed: Today, 07:48
105.000 HUF 285.45 USD
Birkanyáj -35% Birkanyáj
Listed: Today, 07:48
390.000 HUF 1,060.24 USD
Venice -40% Venice
Listed: Today, 07:48
720.000 HUF 1,957.37 USD
99.900 HUF 271.59 USD
49.900 HUF 135.66 USD
49.900 HUF 135.66 USD
289.000 HUF 785.67 USD
59.900 HUF 162.84 USD
179.000 HUF 486.62 USD
250.000 HUF 679.64 USD
390.000 HUF 1,060.24 USD
899.000 HUF 2,444.00 USD
59.000 HUF 160.40 USD
135.000 HUF 367.01 USD
129.000 HUF 350.70 USD
350.000 HUF 951.50 USD
269.000 HUF 731.30 USD
149.000 HUF 405.07 USD
399.000 HUF 1,084.71 USD
Listed: Today, 00:31
390.000 HUF 1,060.24 USD
235.000 HUF 638.87 USD
160.000 HUF 434.97 USD
46.000 HUF 125.05 USD
Listed: Today, 00:31
85.000 HUF 231.08 USD
350.000 HUF 951.50 USD
1 2 3 4 5 ... 42
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