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This listing includes items that were sold in the last 90 days and their sellers haven't deleted them.
If you wish to see items sold earlier (including their prices and full size images), go to the Archive Catalog page.

35.000 HUF 94.46 USD
127 carat tourmaline. With certification. -70% 127 carat tourmaline. With certification.
4.500 HUF 12.14 USD
Tourmaline crystal 101 carats. With certification. -70% Tourmaline crystal 101 carats. With certification.
4.500 HUF 12.14 USD
Black tourmaline obelisk - (majestic) - 7.8Kg -30% Black tourmaline obelisk - (majestic) - 7.8Kg
973.000 HUF 2,625.95 USD
Vivid colored raw tourmalines - 50g -30% Vivid colored raw tourmalines - 50g
Listed: Apr. 13, 2024 02:07
129.430 HUF 349.31 USD
Brazilian melon tourmaline 4.96 Carats. With certification. -50% Brazilian melon tourmaline 4.96 Carats. With certification.
29.950 HUF 80.83 USD
Extra pink tourmaline crystal 10 carats. With certification. -50% Extra pink tourmaline crystal 10 carats. With certification.
1.995 HUF 5.38 USD
Green tourmaline crystal 7.75 carats. With certification. -50% Green tourmaline crystal 7.75 carats. With certification.
7.245 HUF 19.55 USD
Peach tourmaline 1.53 Carats. With certification. -50% Peach tourmaline 1.53 Carats. With certification.
11.450 HUF 30.90 USD
Tourmaline 9.2 Carats. With certification. -50% Tourmaline 9.2 Carats. With certification.
2.500 HUF 6.75 USD
135.000 HUF 364.34 USD
95.000 HUF 256.39 USD
11.990 HUF 32.36 USD
35.000 HUF 94.46 USD
Listed: Apr. 03, 2024 22:31
45.000 HUF 121.45 USD
25.000 HUF 67.47 USD
40.000 HUF 107.95 USD
55.000 HUF 148.43 USD
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25.000 HUF 67.47 USD
25.000 HUF 67.47 USD
25.000 HUF 67.47 USD
90.000 HUF 242.89 USD
45.000 HUF 121.45 USD
35.000 HUF 94.46 USD
25.000 HUF 67.47 USD
25.000 HUF 67.47 USD
49.900 HUF 134.67 USD
69.900 HUF 188.65 USD
17.999 HUF 48.58 USD
Listed: Apr. 01, 2024 10:50
32.000 HUF 86.36 USD
Listed: Mar. 27, 2024 14:35
4.500 HUF 12.14 USD
35.000 HUF 94.46 USD
17.500 HUF 47.23 USD
25.500 HUF 68.82 USD
55.000 HUF 148.43 USD
6.500 HUF 17.54 USD
69.000 HUF 186.22 USD
99.000 HUF 267.18 USD
55.000 HUF 148.43 USD
42.000 HUF 113.35 USD
99.000 HUF 267.18 USD
42.000 HUF 113.35 USD
24.500 HUF 66.12 USD
Listed: Dec. 11, 2023 21:41
25.000 HUF 67.47 USD
110.000 HUF 296.87 USD
45.000 HUF 121.45 USD
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