
Item originality guidelines

Sellers may only list an item as original if its originality is fully verified. It is the responsibility of the seller to verify whether the item is listed in a lawful manner, and whether the listing or the sale of the item violates the law.

We are committed to ensuring that Galeria Savaria remains a safe, efficient and reliable marketplace, therefore, we ask you as a seller to present your item for sale in a realistic way, and not to write comments in the listing which can be misleading to the customer.

Galeria Savaria -- regardless whether the seller marked the originality of the object as unknown or original -- may remove the listing based on reports of external experts if the artwork's quality doesn't reach the level usually expected from the work of the artist or manufacturer mentioned in the listing.

If the seller declares an item as original, Galéria Savaria may ask the seller to attach a written certificate not older than 3 years issued by a forensic expert.


The seller may use comments similar to the following if they have verified the originality of the item:

  • “Guaranteed original!”
  • “100% original, with money-back guarantee!”

Not allowed:

  • The seller may not mention the name of an artist, brand or manufacturer on its own if the item's originality is marked as “unknown”. In this case, the name of an artist, brand or manufacturer can be mentioned in the following way in the listing, including the item's name and description: With a Neogrády signature
  • The seller may not include any comments similar to the following and may evade responsibility or mislead buyers:
    • “I cannot guarantee its originality, so make the purchase accordingly!”
    • “Old Zsolnay porcelain???”
    • “Probably Herend”
    • “It seems that it was painted by Endre Szász, but I am not sure about it.”
    • “It is a part of a heritage and I don’t know whether it is original or not.”
    • “I am not an expert, please take a look at the painting and decide whether it is original.” 

Before listing the item, you can also ask for the opinion of a reliable expert or appraiser.

Reporting an item

We are also counting on the help of our community to filter problematic listings.

If you think that a listing violates our policies or guidelines, click on “Report item” on the item page or contact our customer support.

Please note that we will not respond to notifications sent via “Report item”. We will investigate the report and if the listing doesn’t meet our rules, we will delete the item.

What does Galeria Savaria do?

Galeria Savaria may delete the item, or we may ask the seller to edit the listing if we think that problems may arise with its sale and the transaction may cause annoyance to the seller or the buyer.

It may happen that the expert group of a given item category reports the listing to our moderators because they feel that something is problematic with it.

Before we delete an item, we always consider the interests of our community. If we feel that the sale of the item or the completion of the transaction poses a risk to our community, we will remove the item.

As Galeria Savaria does not employ experts, we do not take part in any dispute regarding the originality of items.