
Manipulation of browsing and purchasing

In our online marketplace, it is not allowed to upload listings that may lead to misunderstanding or deception.
In order to ensure that buyers only see clear, trust-building listings, we ask our sellers to list their items for sale along the following guidelines.


Select a category that is related to your item.

For example, the following is not allowed:

  • advertise gold colored jewelry in the gold subcategory, as gold clearly refers to the material and not the color

Title and description

The wording of the listing should be accurate, truthful, and transparent. It is important to ensure that the listing does not contain misleading information.

For example, the following is not allowed:

  • to indicate the term “gold” in the title, then refer to the item in the description as “gilded”
  • to include too many keywords in the listing, particularly with terms that are not related to the listing
  • to indicate the condition of the item by referring to the item images (e.g. in the condition as shown in the images). Any defects or flaws must be clearly indicated in the listing.
  • you can only list an item once, and if the item consists of several pieces, you can indicate within a single listing that it is about a multi-piece item and you can determine a per-item price
  • you should not use attention-catching characters (e.g.: ♥, ½) or multiple punctuation (e.g.: !!! or ......) or any other multiple characters
  • to use “?”, if you are not sure about the originality of the item (e.g.: Antal Berkes? painting)


By uploading photos, you can help customers to decide whether to buy the item. List precise, high-quality images with full details, so that the buyer can get a complete picture of what item they will receive after the purchase.

Only attach images to the listing that clearly represent the item you are advertising. Thus, neither the buyer, nor the seller can be surprised during the transaction.

Keep in mind: it is not allowed to use photos made by another user, only with their permission.

For example, the following is not allowed:

  • upload a photo in which the subject matter of the listing is displayed next to several other items
  • take a photo of the item from a distance that lets you see other items, as well
  • upload a photo with contact information (e.g. the name of the store)
  • upload a photo with the address or watermark of another website
  • upload a photo with text caption
  • upload an altered photo where the item or one of its parts was modified
  • upload a photo that has edited framework or background

Item parameters

By specifying the parameters in the categories, buyers can find your item even more easily.

For example, the following is not allowed:

  • upload the listing with an item description or item images contradictory to the item parameters (e.g.: When uploading a Herendi porcelain vase, you set Flawless to the Condition, then make a comment about a defect in the item description.)

Wording of the listing and other information

Make sure that the text of the listing is precise, easy-to-understand and consistent. For example, it is not allowed to state something in the title of the item then refute it in its description.

For example, the following is not allowed:

  • provide contradictory information (e.g. as an item characteristic, you marked the item as new, but in the item description, you write that it is used)
  • set ambiguous conditions. For example, free delivery is indicated for the item, but the description contains the following: “Free delivery only if you purchase the item without bargaining.”

Reporting an item

We are also counting on the help of our community to filter problematic listings.

If you think that a listing violates our policies or guidelines, click on “Report item” on the item page or contact our customer support.

Please note that we will not respond to notifications sent via “Report item”. We will investigate the report and if the listing doesn’t meet our rules, we will delete the item.