
Item availability policy

Sometimes a seller promotes or lists their items on multiple websites, but this may not hurt Galeria Savaria's reputation for their buyers. If buyers find "forgotten" listings or they don't receive the item they buy, that reflects negatively on Galeria Savaria and the seller's community in general.

You may decide to promote your item on other pages, that's not against our policy, but please note the below 2 points from our policies:

  • Only list items you are able to hand over when bought
  • If you've sold your item elsewhere, delete your listing from Galeria Savaria

We understand that there are individual cases (an item gets lost, damaged, or sold elsewhere, etc.), but noting in the listing that the item is subject to availability sends the message that the seller does not strive to keep their supply up-to-date.

In order to comply with the above policies and to make sure that sellers regularly update their listings, descriptions suggesting that the item may not be available are forbidden.

Our experience and feedback from buyers suggest that buyers usually don't consider these notes anyways.

An example for buyer feedback:
If I see an item that interests me, I don't want to send a message asking whether it's still available and then wait hours or days for the answer hoping no one else gets it in the meantime. If you list an item to an online marketplace, better keep your listings updated.

The above example perfectly shows that Galeria Savaria is not the platform for such listings. This is why we ask our sellers to keep their listings up-to-date.

Fixed price items can be listed for free, and they remain available for 12 months on our page. Should you be unable to meet Galeria Savaria's policies, consider reducing the number of items offered to an amount you can maintain and keep up-to-date at all times.

As an online marketplace, our goal is to help our sellers and buyers to conduct as many successful transactions as possible. If it turns out at a successful purchase that the item has already been sold elsewhere and the seller is not able to hand over the item, customers get disappointed in our entire online marketplace. This leads to buyers having objections when buying on Galeria Savaria.

It is important for us to deliver high-quality service to our customers. We don't want Galeria Savaria to become a poor quality marketplace where many listings are outdated.

According to our policies, if a seller is unable to hand over the item upon a purchase, the transaction will be rated as failed and this appears in the seller's user profile. Eventually, this might even lead to losing their seller status.