
Username policy

The username must be a unique name that can identify the member of the community on Galeria Savaria.

We laid down some rules on choosing a username.

What do I need to pay attention to when choosing my username?

  • it may not contain accents or special characters
  • it must consist of one word
  • it must be 3 - 24 characters long
  • it may not contain vulgar expressions
  • it may not contain any contact details
  • you cannot choose a username that is already in use
  • it may not contain the Galeria Savaria brand name or any similar or potentially misleading expressions
  • it may not contain any expressions implying that the user is an employee of Galeria Savaria (e.g. admin, moderator, etc.)

Use of a username containing the name of a shop or business is subject to the prior permission of Galeria Savaria.