
What is Galeria Savaria?

Galeria Savaria is an online marketplace that provides a high-quality, easy-to-use platform for selling and buying items in the following categories: home furnishings, antiques, art, jewelry, retro, vintage, collectibles, handicrafts and clothing.

The site is available in English and Hungarian.

At Galeria Savaria:

  • you can make purchases conveniently, from home, by selecting from the ever-expanding range of items.
  • you can easily list your items for sale, even without a listing fee. Thousands of sellers choose the Galeria Savaria online marketplace: private individuals, traders, as well as galleries.
  • you can browse hundreds of thousands of items categorized at multiple levels, and you can easily narrow the wide range of items by using the search engine.

Discover the world of Galeria Savaria online marketplace, sign up now.


According to Article 24, paragraph 2 of the Digital Services Regulations (DSA), Galéria Savaria hereby publishes that the number of monthly active users of its services is 445,325 users, based on the six-month statistics of Google Analytics.