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Peridot 925 silver pendant

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Sold on: Apr. 16, 2024 17:08

Guarantee: eternal  
Item details
Listed: November 01, 2023
Item code: 3834174
Views: 259
Watchers: 10

Leha (1352)  
Heves county

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Last login: Yesterday, 22:53
Member since: October 25, 2016
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Type:medals, brooches, pins
Fineness:925 (sterling)
Theme:love, friendship
Seller may have used machine translator (e.g. Google Translate) to present this item in English. See original

Genuine peridot / olivine 925 silver pendant.

The size of the pendant is 1.7 cm

Stone size: 9 mm.
Characteristics of peridot:

Color: olive green, sago green, honey, red, brown.

In the old days, peridot was thought to keep evil spirits away. Today, he is still considered the protector of the aura.

It powerfully cleanses, releases and neutralizes toxins at all levels. It cleanses the physical and subtle bodies as well as the consciousness. It opens, cleanses and activates the heart and solar plexus chakras, freeing you from “old burdens”. It drives away guilt and harassment. It shows you how to take care of the higher energies that provide guidance.

It frees the peridot from negative patterns and old vibrations, making the new frequency available. It accelerates the effect of psychological treatment by leaps and bounds. This stone that brings visual impressions to life helps us understand the course of our destiny and our spiritual goals. Especially useful for healers.

Spiritual effect: peridot soothes jealousy, resentment, malice, without making it aggressive. It encourages development and helps to bring about the necessary changes. It helps us to look back at the past and recognize all that will benefit from the experience we have gained; and shows us how to forgive ourselves.

It strengthens psychological purity and well-being. It allows you to know spiritual truth and regulates the cycle of life.

Spiritual effect: the peridot sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of consciousness. It eliminates lethargy and draws attention to anything we consciously or unconsciously neglect.

With the help of peridot, we admit our mistakes and then move on. It encourages us to take responsibility for our own lives, especially in situations where we believe that all trouble is due to someone else’s fault.

Healing effect: peridot has a strengthening effect. It heals and regenerates tissues. It strengthens the metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

It supports the functioning of the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen and intestines; heals ulcers, strengthens the eyes. Its energies counteract obsessive depression and overcome hypochondria.

Do I choose, or does the stone choose me?

If you like peridos and you feel you need a stone like this, here I will tell you what mental state you are in, what attracts you to it

If you chose the peridot crystal, you may need to confront certain features of your money-related behavior and recognize that they are incorrect.

If you have bad habits when it comes to money, peridot can help you quit.
If you tend to be narrow-minded, it will show that you are doing the exact opposite effect and helping to create a healthy financial flow in your life.

It drives away envy — whether it comes from you or is directed at you — and protects you from jealous attacks as well.

With the help of peridot, you stop blaming others and you can take full responsibility for your own behavior and actions.

If you have a business card, it’s worth keeping a peridot under a crystal because the stone will soak them with luck.

With Peridot, you can become clear about what changes you need and help you implement them.

Guarantee conditions

Guarantee: eternal  

Payment options

Wire transfer in advance

Shipping options

Shipping from: Hungary
Processing time: 1-3 workdays
Mail 700 HUF
Shipping abroad
European Union 700 HUF

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