Edmund Dulac 1882-1953

 Francia képes újság illusztrátor, könyvillusztrátor és bélyegtervező. Londonba költözött, ahol megbízták a Jane Eyre illusztrálásával. Az első világháború után luxus gyermekkönyveket készített, majd képes újságokat illusztrált. A II. világháború idején bankjegyeket tervezett, majd bélyegeket. forrás: Wiki

Edmund Dulac (szül. Edmond Dulac 1882 – 1953) was a French magazine illustrator, book illustrator and stamp designer. Born in Toulouse he studied law but later turned to the study of art the Ecole des Beaux Arts. He moved to London early in the 19th century where he received a commission to illustrate Jane Eyre. Later through his association with a gallery and publishing company he sold his painting that became illustrations. During World War I, Dulac produced relief books and when after the war the deluxe children's book market shrank he turned to magazine illustrations among other ventures. He designed bank notes during World War II and postage stamps, most notably those that heralded the beginning of Queen Elizabeth II's reign.

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