
Automatic bidding

Our automatic bidding system makes the bidding process more convenient and you don’t have to return each time other bidders are bidding too.

How does automatic bidding work?

During bidding, you can set the maximum amount you are willing to pay for the item. Your maximum bid is not known by the seller and other users.

If a new bid is received for the item, we will automatically increase your bid according to the bid increments. We always increase your current bid to the necessary extent that is enough to keep you the highest bidder or to reach the reserve price (if applicable). We will do this until we reach the maximum bid you have set.

If another user has determined the same maximum amount as you, we will notify you about this during bidding, so you can consider setting a higher amount.

An example of automatic bidding:
1. The current price of the item is 1,000 HUF. Currently, the highest bid belongs to Peter who determined his maximum offer in an amount of 1,500 HUF. This 1,500 HUF maximum is only known to Peter.
2. Another user, Amanda is also bidding for the item and she decides to pay 2,000 HUF, therefore, she places the maximum bid of 2,000 HUF. Andrea becomes the highest bidder.
3. The bid of Peter is automatically increased by the system to 1,500 HUF, so the current bid of Amanda is 1,600 HUF.
4. Peter will be notified in a message that he has been outbid. If he does not increase his maximum bid, Amanda wins the item.

Useful information:
If the item has a reserve price and your maximum offer reaches or exceeds the reserve price determined by the seller, instead of the bid increment, your current bid will be the amount of the reserve price and bidding can continue from there.