
Hindering the operation of the website

We are committed to ensuring that Galeria Savaria remains a safe, efficient and reliable marketplace.

The unintended use of the features available on our website, as well as the violation of our policies and guidelines, or an attempt to do so, is not permitted. This includes if the user circumvents the operation of the seller and buyer features or shows a behavior suggesting a similar attempt.

These activities undermine the safe and efficient operation of our website, which in turn negatively affect the buyers and sellers of our marketplace.

Any activity aimed at the manipulation of the operation of our website or the circumvention of our rules and guidelines results in the user account being restricted. Below you can find a list of some activities that are considered to be violations.

Not allowed:

  • repeated violation of the rules of our website
  • creating a new account to avoid the seller or buyer limitations and feature prohibitions on the existing user account
  • creating a new account, if you have an invoice to be paid in your existing account
  • creating a new account in case of a limited user account

See our guidelines for the inactivation of user accounts.