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3.817 items
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Highlighted items in this category:
Farm moment in the evening - oil painting - 33x64 -15% Farm moment in the evening - oil painting - 33x64
14.450 HUF 39.31 USD
27.000 HUF 73.45 USD
Wildflowers. 40X60 cm, shabby chic style enamel painting by a prize-winning artist. Zsófia Károlyfi/1952 -60% Wildflowers. 40X60 cm, shabby chic style enamel painting by a prize-winning artist. Zsófia Károlyfi/1952
19.960 HUF 54.30 USD
Lake in the wilderness - acrylic painting - 43*33cm -25% Lake in the wilderness - acrylic painting - 43*33cm
16.500 HUF 44.89 USD
Oil painting after an ossuary - 58x58 cm -25% Oil painting after an ossuary - 58x58 cm
Listed: Apr. 26, 2024 12:45
48.000 HUF 130.58 USD
Listed: Apr. 25, 2024 19:30
31.500 HUF 85.70 USD
Listed: Apr. 25, 2024 19:29
29.500 HUF 80.25 USD
Listed: Apr. 15, 2024 01:14
70.000 HUF 190.43 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 23:39
50.000 HUF 136.02 USD
Still life 1960s -25% Still life 1960s
Listed: Yesterday, 22:24
7.350 HUF 20.00 USD
The lost painting !!! -15% The lost painting !!!
Listed: Yesterday, 19:49
160.650 HUF 437.04 USD
An oil painting by Louis Cantor! -15% An oil painting by Louis Cantor!
Listed: Yesterday, 19:49
93.500 HUF 254.36 USD
23.000 HUF 62.57 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 19:07
70.000 HUF 190.43 USD
Abstract oil painting i 40*40 cm -50% Abstract oil painting i 40*40 cm
Listed: Yesterday, 17:17
10.000 HUF 27.20 USD
27.000 HUF 73.45 USD
The creation of a premium award-winning artist. Magic. 70X60 cm. An image born from a vision. Charles (1952) -40% The creation of a premium award-winning artist. Magic. 70X60 cm. An image born from a vision. Charles (1952)
Listed: Yesterday, 14:38
192.000 HUF 522.33 USD
The breeze girl has arrived, a 70x35 cm canvas painting by an award-winning artist. -40% The breeze girl has arrived, a 70x35 cm canvas painting by an award-winning artist.
78.000 HUF 212.20 USD
Original painting by Pál Géza, tempo c. 120X80cm canvas. Barcsay with a combination. -40% Original painting by Pál Géza, tempo c. 120X80cm canvas. Barcsay with a combination.
54.000 HUF 146.91 USD
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Individual gift for teachers and doctors. Own handwritten album, with colorful interior, Zsófia Károlyfi (1952) -20% Individual gift for teachers and doctors. Own handwritten album, with colorful interior, Zsófia Károlyfi (1952)
Listed: Yesterday, 14:23
28.000 HUF 76.17 USD
Floral smile. 55X60 cm. From a Prima award-winning artist, with certificate. Károlyfi/1952 -20% Floral smile. 55X60 cm. From a Prima award-winning artist, with certificate. Károlyfi/1952
144.000 HUF 391.75 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 14:21
5.500 HUF 14.96 USD
35.000 HUF 95.22 USD
180.000 HUF 489.69 USD
200.000 HUF 544.10 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 07:59
80.000 HUF 217.64 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 07:58
80.000 HUF 217.64 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 07:58
80.000 HUF 217.64 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 07:58
38.000 HUF 103.38 USD
A real gem!!! -20% A real gem!!!
Listed: Yesterday, 07:21
119.200 HUF 324.28 USD
Listed: Yesterday, 01:54
90.000 HUF 244.84 USD
Listed: Apr. 26, 2024 22:32
190.000 HUF 516.89 USD
Listed: Apr. 26, 2024 21:22
29.000 HUF 78.89 USD
1 2 3 4 5 ... 65
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