
What does feedback score mean?

The feedback score is one of the most important statistical indicators. It is displayed on the user’s profile, next to the username.

Sellers and buyers can rate each transaction. A feedback consists of a rating - which can be positive, neutral, negative, or failed - and a short comment. These ratings determine the feedback score:

» Positive feedback: the user receives +1 score for each positive rating
» Neutral feedback: No score is given for a neutral rating 
» Negative feedback: -1 score for all negative ratings
» Failed: -1 score for all failed transactions where the user caused the failure

When calculating the feedback score, all user reviews are considered.  Collecting positive feedback is of great significance, as higher feedback score means good reputation, appreciation and prestige at Galeria Savaria.
We have divided the scores into levels, and the user can reach new levels by collecting positive feedback, which are marked with distinctive icons.

Collect as much positive feedback as possible to get badges for new levels. What’s more, as a seller, your items will be displayed later on in a more favorable position.